Secure Perspectives

In today's digital world, we've all been trained to recognize the usual signs of phishing scams: don't click on suspicious links, always verify email addresses, and look out for poor grammar. However, with the advent of generative AI, the landscape of digital scams is rapidly evolving.
In today's digital world, multifactor authentication (MFA) is an essential part of a robust digital hygiene routine. However, it's easy to become frustrated and fatigued by the growing prevalence of MFA. Constantly having to disrupt your focus to check phones, emails, or devices for codes and links can feel tiring and unnecessary. Despite this, MFA is here to stay, and its importance cannot be overstated.
In today's digital world, everything requires a password—from your smartphone and laptop to apps, websites, online shopping accounts, and even financial or health information. It's tempting to reuse the same few passwords or follow a predictable pattern to make them easier to remember. However, if you can guess your own password when you forget it, so can others.
How many times have you been working on your computer, and you see the little pop-up window that tells you updates are available for your software? Many people are tempted to click the ‘remind me later’ button and keep working. However, doing this can put your software, device, and/or personal information at risk. Software updates are a critical component of your digital safety and cyber security.
Scams are nothing new. There have always been criminals who try to trick people into giving them money or information. However, in today’s technology-driven world, criminals have become more advanced in how they attempt to trick people or steal information. Phishing has become one of the main ways that criminals try to gain access to other’s information.
Cyberattacks on personal and company information are increasing at an alarming rate. Almost everyone has been faced with the issue of having their password to an account stolen. In today’s world of advanced technology and determined cybercriminals, it has become hard to create passwords that cannot be hacked.