Software Assurance Tool

With the increasing rate of security breaches, conventional software development practices are now insufficient. Customize your deployment of CodeValor™ to fit your organization's needs.

Automated code scanning allows you to mitigate vulnerabilities earlier on in the software development cycle and examine the code from the ground-up to speed up your application’s release with confidence.

Link a code repository

CodeValor supports repositories from GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket. Public and private repositories, branches, and submodules are also suppored. 


Scan your entire code base

CodeValor leads the class in static code scanning, especially with the ability to assess Fortran code and the first-ever ability to correlate scan findings to CWEs and STIGs.  Other languages supported include Java Source Code, java bytecode, C/C++, Ruby on Rails, Ada, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, and GoLang.

Remediate findings immediately

Add comments, adjust the finding’s impact rating, and collaborate with your development team. 


Manage your team through admin capabilities

Build unique teams, assign projects to teams, and assign roles to team members.

Review findings in reports

Can be filtered and sorted by impact rating, file name, and CWE. Formats include PDF, HTML, CSV, Excel, and POA&M.


Add CodeValor to your compliance toolkit

Improve the efficiency of your Risk Management Framework (RMF) process with automatically generated POA&M reports based on scan results. Speed up development by integrating CodeValor into your CI/CD pipleine. Automated scans and reports empower you to find and fix vulnerabilities early and often in the development lifecycle. 


MissionValor™ Technologies overview contact us Cyber modeling for operations resiliency When protecting mission-critical assets, there is little room for error. As cyber threats loom and

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Is your code compliant?

Gary Mayes

Director of R&D

Billy Wilson

Senior Software Developer