Case Study: Assessing DOD Health Threats & Mitigation

Subject: Desktop to Data Center (D2D) Transition Assessment Support

The Challenge:

Operational readiness and compliance through cybersecurity controls is critical to the successful secure mission of the client. This was even more important during the transition from other networks to the Medical Community of Interest (Med-COI) wide area network while maintaining effective, continuous support to the warfighters. To ensure that an acceptable risk posture was known prior to and throughout the Med-COI migration, the Desktop to Datacenter (D2D) Program Office identified a mandatory list of cyber activities that must be completed prior to issuing a Med-COI migration approval order.

The Solution:

Sentar established the D2D Transition Assessment Support (TAS) Team to provide initial risk posture documentation to the D2D Cyber Operations Center for further evaluation and pre-migration recommendations. The goal of the assessment was to show an accurate picture of residual risk at an aggregate level for all assets migrating to MED-COI. The team was composed of a lead coordinator, assessment team leads, and team member SMEs with expertise in the Assured Compliance Assessment Solution (ACAS), Host Based Security System (HBSS), and specialized databases and web servers.

The TAS team conducted and documented a transition risk assessment of information technology (IT) assets identified for transition to the MED-COI; worked with site personnel to identify assets and vulnerabilities that must be addressed prior to migration; and, delivered a risk assessment report with recommendations to the D2D Cyber Ops lead for submission to the Authorizing Official for migration approval decision.

The Mission Impact:

•     Effective Cyber Mission Risk Modeling:

This process enabled our client’s Authorizing Official to receive, assess, and act upon executive and comprehensive risk reporting for vulnerability findings of all assets at each site queued for migration.

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